“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”
Matsuo Basho

Light in the Garden of Movement
I love the uncomfortable place I am in. I love the mystery of not knowing how I’ll get to the next pose. I love that I could choose to neglect the garden of movement but that I choose to inhabit the uncomfortable mystery of watering seeds, flexing with the weeds, and waiting to see what wonders flourish. I love the sounds of nearby gardeners working on their own mysteries. Their movement nourishes my own. Their occasional glances over at my garden scatter sunlight on my pursuit.

Savor + Stretch: A Food and Yoga Adventure in Southern Italy
This Yoga Adventure is not your typical yoga retreat. Be prepared to eat, drink, and indulge while stretching your senses along the Adriatic Coast. Daily yoga and meditation sessions with @angellairwin are on the menu. Sweet communion with fellow travelers is unavoidable. Connecting with the art of enjoyment in Puglia is the centerpiece pose - our main mode of transportation.

The Heart of The Heel, Part II: Recycling Life Thematics
Then, as life will often have it, love entered, and the most crucial pivot of all landed her due north of her dreamed-of destination, in the heart of the heel. And just like that - the house expands. The work of being at home is now a lifelong project that involves the ongoing practice of take-off, landing, longing, and embracing the air space in between that allows for, and demands, a durable infrastructure of love.

The Heart (and The Tart) of The Heel, Part I: Evoking The Magic of Puglia
While probing the Pugliese playground with her two young, sunlit daughters in tow, Hilaree evokes the magic, the color, and very often, the humor of her adoptive habitat on the Italian Adriatic through her photography and storytelling, and the through the turning of local fruits and fixings into art: @tartoftheheel.

Arrival Day, Tasting Puglia
The luminous atmosphere of that first evening of arrival would foreshadow our time together in coming 10 days. Good friends and family were about to embark on adventure and discovery in new territory.

The Salt of You
Stories that remember your body
are new to me
but memory gravitates and I flirt
with the idea of dipping into you
one toe at a time until
at long last,
I am submerged in the dense salt of you.

Somewhere Deep: Overcoming The Edge (Part 1)
All at once, I was bathing in a thermal breeze,
Warming numbness with newness,
Drunk on the swirling color
That still rises from somewhere deep
Flurries of carnal exhaust took the shape of nothing
And the color of everything

Antica Cucina Cooking Tour, 2018
You are a traveler of the road or of the imagination. If you cook and explore food culture, one of two explains You. The idea that a recipe can open up generations of memory and and knowledge excites you - and makes you a good listener. It makes you a traveler.

Questions about Traveling Native: Organic, Local Enjoyment
This week, a discerning traveler and food critic inquired about joining our upcoming cooking tour in Tuscany this July. Here are a couple of her questions and our responses.

I Want You to Know: Barga
On one of our days together, we'll make our way up the same road on our way to Barga Vecchia. We'll explore the inner castle and the dining scene, get to know some of the folks who live there. We'll and take time to explore the Duomo di Barga and gaze over the Serchio valley from the top of the world.

The Best of Siena is Pretto: Food for a Better World
Inside Pretto, pages of poetic discourse warm the atmosphere of this very unlikely positioned refuge of hospitality. But the power of this ethical and mouthwatering eatery is greater than how well it stands out against its harsh backdrop. Pretto is, in itself, a hub of wellbeing. It was born of a desire to sustain the pure and honest work of local farmers and artisans who, in turn, sustain the integrity of the land out of gratitude for what the land gives.

Keane and The Fire in Barga
Keane’s work is different. His is the work of an artist who has a vision and then manifests it out of pure passion.