“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”
Matsuo Basho

Light in the Garden of Movement
I love the uncomfortable place I am in. I love the mystery of not knowing how I’ll get to the next pose. I love that I could choose to neglect the garden of movement but that I choose to inhabit the uncomfortable mystery of watering seeds, flexing with the weeds, and waiting to see what wonders flourish. I love the sounds of nearby gardeners working on their own mysteries. Their movement nourishes my own. Their occasional glances over at my garden scatter sunlight on my pursuit.

Two Hips and A Doorframe
Don’t consider
where the road leads
Just. Let’s. Walk. Together.
Both in and out of time
Your hip is on mine
ogni passo
step together
step anyway
step for you
step for her
step for hope
step forward.
Here’s to a year of movement-
Live every step for what it is.
Happy Transition!

Somewhere Deep: Go To The Edge (Part 4)
The passage is now accompanied by knowing
So I travel downward on the memory of upward perspective
Unclothed of reciprocity, sores from the initial cascade reopen
They know about the inevitable upward climb.

Somewhere Deep: Taking Back The View (Part 3)
I’ll be here
When the outskirts of stability blend
with the disorderly flurries at love’s windy precipice.
I will dive again

Somewhere Deep: Looking Up (Part 2)
I’m gazing up at them now:
the premeditated,
the unplanned,
each one, a unique trajectory.
Oh, the joy of watching the lovers
who resisted
with all their minds’ power
And plunged anyway

Without you
As time would have us
There is little of it left in this pose
Where the you to me is overgrown with speculation
And the in between has more to offer than you ever did.

Antica Cucina Cooking Tour, 2018
You are a traveler of the road or of the imagination. If you cook and explore food culture, one of two explains You. The idea that a recipe can open up generations of memory and and knowledge excites you - and makes you a good listener. It makes you a traveler.

Traveling Inward
There are physical places that extract my inner juice with little effort. Call them sacred places. And then, there are spaces that challenge me to be present. The challenge to be present is the opportunity we are faced with when we pull away from the world and look inward, leaving only our breath as a guide. I learn as write this how perfect it is that for me, that challenging place is the place where I come from…