Traveling Native Italy in 2015
Dear friends and fellow travelers,
I am excited and "emozionata" as the Italians say, to tell you about the upcoming year of Traveling Native. We are looking forward to a healthy dose of exploration, cooking, tasting and even training. An upcoming post will bring news of events in California but let's start with Italy!!

As I introduce six special events, I honor the friendships and experiences that allow me and inspire me to share the Italy I adore with you. These adventures on the horizon are truly a tribute to the unique, talented, and passionate individuals that have welcomed me into their lives, kitchens, and hearts over the years... I invite you to join us in celebrating what I understand to be The Italian Art of Enjoyment.
This post gives you a preview of Italy tours in 2015. But first, I want to refresh (or reveal) the thinking behind this kind of travel. There are a lot of Traveling Natives out there but not all travel is Traveling Native. See what you think:
syllabification: trav*el*ing na*tive
pronunciation: ˈtræv(ə)liŋˈnādiv
1. A traveler who is at home or seeks elements of home wherever s/he goes 2. S/he who blends gracefully with the environment
1. Becoming part of your scenery 2. Seeking and experiencing the art of enjoyment
1. A quality of travelers and learners who engage with their environment
+ 2015 TOURS
In 2015, Italy will welcome the first official wave of Traveling Natives. They will come from different states and diverse livelihoods, each with an abundant collection of tastes and experiences. They will be students in groups, families, professionals, couples and independent travelers. Each one will have a story to tell about their own journey. All will likely share a craving for Italy..... Friendships will be made and bonds will be forged across cultures. These Traveling Natives will taste the Italian Art of Enjoyment and experience life in a part of Tuscany that most of their friends have never heard of. They will take away more than memories and new ideas - they will be changed by what they learn and by the people they meet.
Contact us or click on the images below to learn more about our tours and training programs.
Here's to a year full of discovery, friendship and the gift of good food! Wishing you health, peace, and enjoyable travels all year long...