“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”
Matsuo Basho

I'm not ready for immersion but the feeling of these damp steps beneath me will become a perennial part of my being. I lift heavy hands to mouth thinking only about breaking suddenly into from veganism to vegetarianism. I taste nothing new. The sensation of being relinquished and forgotten here, deep in the fall, will stay with me for years.

Arrival Day, Tasting Puglia
The luminous atmosphere of that first evening of arrival would foreshadow our time together in coming 10 days. Good friends and family were about to embark on adventure and discovery in new territory.

I'm not ready for immersion but the feeling of these damp steps beneath me will become a perennial part of my being. I lift heavy hands to mouth thinking only about breaking suddenly into from veganism to vegetarianism. I taste nothing new. The sensation of being relinquished and forgotten here, deep in the fall, will stay with me for years.

Clothed in Arrival
Further down, on the receiving bank of this bridge
when I’m dripping from the humidity of one of your more sultry days,
You’ll brush my skin with a warm current of memory
And my chest will go on pause-