Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

Matsuo Basho

The Long Haul
Home, Sense of Place, Italy, Travel andee sorenson Home, Sense of Place, Italy, Travel andee sorenson

The Long Haul

We had a rough start and after the first year it could have dissolved into history. But I chose Italy again and again. Not because she was beautiful or romantic but because she asked a lot of me. It took a long time, many years, before I trusted that she wanted me. It took time to see that her demands were forcing me to build a framework for a new home.

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Traveling Inward
Sense of Place, Home, Yoga, Celebration andee sorenson Sense of Place, Home, Yoga, Celebration andee sorenson

Traveling Inward

There are physical places that extract my inner juice with little effort. Call them sacred places. And then, there are spaces that challenge me to be present. The challenge to be present is the opportunity we are faced with when we pull away from the world and look inward, leaving only our breath as a guide. I learn as write this how perfect it is that for me, that challenging place is the place where I come from…


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