Posts in Celebration
Traveling Inward

There are physical places that extract my inner juice with little effort. Call them sacred places. And then, there are spaces that challenge me to be present. The challenge to be present is the opportunity we are faced with when we pull away from the world and look inward, leaving only our breath as a guide. I learn as write this how perfect it is that for me, that challenging place is the place where I come from…


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Traveling Native Italy in 2015

As I introduce six special events, I honor the friendships and experiences that allow me and inspire me to share the Italy I adore with you. These adventures on the horizon are truly a tribute to the unique, talented, and passionate individuals that have welcomed me into their lives, kitchens, and hearts over the years... I invite you to join us in celebrating what I understand to be The Italian Art of Enjoyment.

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At 9-years-old you are loving yet fierce. You are fun and wild! Your thoughts are deep and complex. You imagine without borders, speak courageously, and ask questions that challenge everyone around you. You are accepting of others and of life. Is this possible at nine? Yes, you are amazing.

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